Sunday, April 01, 2012

Project: Hello Stranger

and yes we are on a mission to turn Singapore into a friendlier place. :)

a voluntary initiative for 2012 by a group of crazy happy youths

Project Hello Stranger is a voluntary initiative by a group of Singaporean youths. We love Singapore and we hope to do our part to modify its hostile culture into a friendlier one. Why be mean when you can be nice to the fellow human beings we share this island with?

We believe that a simple act of kindness can spread a whole lot of joy and warmth to the people around us and that's exactly what Project Hello Stranger is about. We want to infect everyone with happiness.

Trust us, we have exciting plans ahead. We are in the midst of serious hardcore planning and an exciting finale will be launched in June 2012!

So join us now in putting our hearts into use. Let's spread some love!

and our first public appearance at town. so sad that i couldnt join them. :( a group of them went around town holding placard that says "HELLO STRANGER" and "HONK IF YOU ARE HAVING A GREAT DAY!" couldnt stop smiling when i watched the video. :')

"Strangers will no longer be strangers if you are willing to say hello."

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