Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

turning 25.

spent my birthday visiting singapore flyer with mum and dad, followed by dinner at kushin bo. had a great time at flyer laughing at my dad silly attempts to create whacky face while taking pictures. and now i finally know where i got all my nonsense from! 

as you grow older, you tend to prefer simple and quiet celebration like this. :)

Continue: 25 things i'm thankful for

Thank you big booobies for finishing the list for me. Was alone in train and smiling non stop while reading what she wrote. Awwwww.

19. Good complexion and big eyes
20. Good contagious laughter
21. Good height (for walking thru a tunnel #likeaboss and for certain sports where ur height is considered best, like basketball/netball Centers)
22. Being born in sunny and safe Singapore
23. Having gone Korea before and then falling in love with that place
24. Being chubby and yet still pretty (DAMN YOUUU)
25. Last but not least, thankful you have a name that sounds like music to the ears and fits you!
姿 = 面貌
淇 = 水, so you have a watery look which, in other words, means your face is flowing with love


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

25 things that i'm thankful for

i am officially 25 today. one quarter of my life gone that's provided if i really live till 100.
anyway like what the blog post says, i'm going to try listing down 25 things that i am thankful for. (i hope i can really think of 25)

1 - my mum.
no words can describe how much thankful i am towards her. my mum who selflessly gave everything to us, who provide everything for us without any complains, who tolerate all my nonsense, who make sure i have a home to go back to at the end of the day, who make sure that i will never go hungry, who make sure that i have a clean and comfortable place to stay in and many many more. without her, i wont be here sitting comfortably typing out this. thank you mum i love you.

2 - my dad
just like my mum i thank him for tolerating all my nonsenses and stubbornness. with him around providing for the family, i can go ahead and pursue my dreams without any worry. i can do things which many of my peers are not able to. thank you for giving me a happy family, a happy childhood. thank you for loving my mum.

3 - my job

with a job, i have money coming in. with money i can go ahead to plan for travels and buy as many things as i like. i am happy to be employed and doing something which i enjoy and love.

4 - my boss

without my boss giving me all these opportunities, i wont be who i am today. thank you for believing in me and giving me lots of opportunities to prove myself. thank you for nurturing me to become who i am today. seriously it's because of him believing in me, i didnt realise that i can actually lead and be a leader.

5 - my colleagues

i always hear of stories how colleagues plot against one another, how they backstab you. i guess being in a small and family organisation you wont face such issues. my colleagues are like my friends, my family. i'm glad that im able to bond with them and they even treat me like their own daughter.

6 - health

after working in this industry for 4 years, one of the most important thing beside family is health. no matter how rich you are, if you are not healthy then it's useless. i have seen how a illness change a whole family. i am thankful that i am born healthy and my families are healthy. please continue to bless us with great health and happiness.

7 - my dog

my best friend. it's always a joy to come home with someone jumping with joy whenever they see you. thank you for keeping me companying.

8 - my residents at work
for teaching me a lot of life lessons and making me believe that happiness can be that simple. thank you for teaching me the joy of giving. thank you for teaching me how to love a complete stranger. thank you for always brightening up my day with your smile when i'm tired and lost. thank you treating me like family.

9 - girlfriends of 10 years and more
im so glad that we are still stuck together now even after we graduated with everyone of us pursuing different dreams. thank you for leaving deeeep foot prints in my life and again tolerating all my nonsenses. thank you for always being there when i needed someone.

10 - my cousins
the people that i grew up with. the people that will never ever leave me no matter what. the people that will always be there. thank you.

11 - volunteer turn friend
i know i can always count on you when i need help for any event. thank you for always offering your help readily and thank you for being a friend to my residents.

12 - uni mates
it's really different when you whine to friends who understand what you are going through at work. i guess because we are all facing the same shit everyday? HAHA. thank you for listening to me and making me feel better. thank you for letting me know that im not alone.

13 - the la liang group

no idea how we ended up together but i seriously enjoy every meetup with all of you. all the endless laughters and jokes are what i need most. thank you for always bringing endless laughter into my life and not forgetting the non stop entertainment on whatsapp tooooo!

14 -  my iphone

for keeping me entertained and providing me with latest updates about news and my friends! yes i do stalk people when i have nothing to do. HAHAHA.

15 - home

that i have a place to go back to at the end of the day. my own room for me to hide away from the rest of the world. the place where i can take down my mask and just be the real me. a place where i can recharge before i face the world again.

16 - my ITE mates
they made my life in ITE so much fun. so much bearable. being the only one going to ITE among all my other gfs, it's hard not to be saaaaaad. haha anyhow it's over and i have move and preserve on with my life. i guess the greatest take over from my ITE is knowing them. :)

17 - my little corner at work
the place where i sloooooooog hard. the place where i can decorate and paste random shitsss! HAHAH. glad to have one place that i can call my own.

18 - ex colleague turn 'lover'
she treats me like her little sister. (:


Monday, June 25, 2012


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday Food for thought!

Counting down to 27!

Most creative birthday treat invitation goes toooooo...

And yes I really thought it's an advertisement and nearly deleted it without reading! Nice one! Hahaha!

Monday, June 18, 2012

an interview in chinese!

agreed to help one of my volunteer with her final year assignment, so she did an interview with me about my work here in bishan home. no i didn't type all these, i replied all to her in english and she translated into chinese by herself. PRO RIGHT. first draft below! :)

标题:与李资淇小姐的访谈 对于智障人士的看法

任职为碧山智障之家的社工与义工管理执行的李资淇小姐认真地向我解释: “很多人不理解的是,弱智者的举动都是有原理的。每个人都有自己发泄情绪的管道。而他们只不过是因为生理因素,例如缺乏控制情绪反应的感官,从而无法像一般人能够直接表达情感,所以才会通过大叫或敲打的行为来抒发内心的感受。”

    的 确,我刚到碧山智障之家做义工时,我发现居住在那里的智障人士对于控制自己的行为举止这方面是有一定的难度的。这点让我感到有一点畏惧,不太敢跟他们接触。然而,他们亲切的笑脸和热情的招待把我彻底融化。我渐渐察觉到他们和一般人没什么两样,只要多花时间与他们相处,你就会发现他们很简单也很可爱!而他们也想要得到的也只不过是 多一点关怀与陪伴,就是那么简单。



    李小姐的这番感言让我不禁想起去年的圣诞节庆。当我缓缓走进碧山智障之家时,我看到一个熟悉的面孔痴痴地坐在门口等着。我走向他,问他怎么了,只听见他说:“姐姐,我的妈妈什么时候才会来带我回家? 今天是圣诞节。” 我的心突然沉了下去。一个看似单纯单的问题,我却无言以对。这时,我领悟到了我们每个星期六的探访或许对我们来说只不过是两个小时的陪伴,但对他们来说,这或许是他们期待以久的欢乐时光。












Tuesday, June 12, 2012


ok i'm in love.
always in love with guys who play piano and wtf this one play with WHITE PIANO? melt until bo chun!

i really love his version of 可惜不是你. having goosebumps, listening to it over and over again. awesome and talented.

努力為你改變 卻變不了 預留的伏線
以為在你身邊 那也算永遠 彷彿還是昨天
可是昨天 已非常遙遠 但閉上我雙眼 我還看得見

可惜不是你 陪我到最後 曾一起走卻走失那路口
感謝那是你 牽過我的手 還能感受那溫柔
感謝那是你 牽過我的手 還能溫暖我胸口

double s's wedding!

the first to get married among my ITE buddies, and yes we were all shock when she announced her wedding. OMG, SERENE IS GETTING MARRIEDDD.
she met her husband after we graduated from ITE and yes stuck with him till now. how sweet right! first boyfriend and turn husband. 123 AWWWWWWWWWW!! <3

My best talk cock sing song buddy in ITE. ahh those incredibly shit days. but thank god they made it less shitty. :)
the dude who sat beside me that night! and again sharing all sorts of nonsense with him.  

6 years back. (yayaya i look like crap last time)
and NOW. 我们长大了!!glad to meet up and catch up with everyone again. JQ was missing in this picture and yes NICHOLAS FINALLY GET TO SEE HIM AFTER 123456YEARS! always not turning up for our gathering and glad he did made it for serene's wedding. :)
isn't it scary how time flies by?

again a reminder to self to always cherish every moment and count all my blessings. DO WHAT I WANT TO DO. i dont want to miss anything again and regret it years later. (:

Thursday, June 07, 2012

ke kiang go change my blog layout and now lost all information, links at my sidebar.
simisai. CUI :(

but thank god my little doggy face is still there!

Monday, June 04, 2012


yes it's 4th June 2012 monday agaaaaaaain. one month from now i will be in chiangmai! yes FINALLY booked my air ticket for my month long volunteer trip. i will be gone for two months. spending 1.5 months in chiangmai and a week plus from 19th august onwards in nia, indonesia. spent all salary on air tickets this month. broke and shall eat grass for the rest of the month. money come to mama please.

technically one month left in singapore before i disappeared for 2 months. so many things to clear for work before i chao. and i'm so happy that my ex colleague agreed to come back and cover for me when im away. so i can leave without any worrriesssss. :):)

im so excited. very excited. oh ya I NEED TO GET MY VISA!! if not GG.

4th July please come fast.