Wednesday, January 25, 2006

thank you.

Nothing much, just wana share something.

I was walking to school today, as usual I would pass by the Mac at the bus interchange. While walking, I took out my phone and started smsing. At the same time, I did not notice that my money dropped out from my side pocket. Two dollars, my lunch for the day.

As I was walking, a car beside me started honking. At first I didn`t bother really much about the car as I know they were not honking at me. But suddenly I heard someone calling out to me "Excuse me Miss, you drop your money." I was like so shocked! That man actually stopped his car just to tell me that I dropped my money. He is so kind. I`m really touch by what he did.

I told friends what happened in school and one of them was saying "if I`m that driver, I would wait for you to walk away first than get out from my car to pick up the money you drop and keep it!" What the hell, thank god that gentleman is not her. If not I would need to eat grass for lunch today. Ha-ha

Really really thanks alot to that gentleman and his girlfriend who was driving passed the Mac at Bishan at that time. Didn`t manage to say thank you to them on the spot as they drove away when I turned back to pick up the money. Thank you a zillion times.

Another incident at market, as usual I DROPPED MY MONEY AGAIN!! (there is something wrong with my pocket, i`m always dropping money!) A kind lady walking behind me picked up the two dollars (yeah $2 AGAIN!) I dropped and chased after me just to return back my money. They are like so kind!! Thank you auntie. I would be careful with my money in the future. Anyway it really warms my heart to know that Singaporean are so helpful although to some people, they may feel that its nothing much actually. But I`m really touched by their small little acts for me.

They really make us Singaporean proud! That`s the spirit of Singaporean, ever ready to help. I`m proud to be one myself! Cheeros!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

something fishy!

There is definitely something fisny going on between this two guys here. They are similar in alot of ways, like a LOUD really LOUD and never ending Burgh after every meal they taken. He is her SMARTIES and she is his SWEETHEART?

A romantic dinner for two in the canteen.















As usual this chap here is always full of pattern in class. He thought that by putting the textbook in front of him covering his head, the teacher won`t know that he is actually sleeping behind the book. Oh! So clever!! so so so CLEVER! Try harder next time la ron!

Sweet dreams Haron!

cute but irritating

She is cute BUT irritating. She likes to irritate me when I`m out with her. Pulling my hand and preventing me from shopping, playing childish and lame games with me, forcing me to entertain her and not shop! blah. BUT I still loves her!