Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in a glance

time flies and it's less than 24 hours to 2011.

i'm not sure if 2010 is a good or bad year but anyhow it's coming to an end soon. it's scary how time passes that fast. unknowingly i'm turning 24 next year! like wtf? sometimes i still feels like a kid or the people around me are treating me as one.

kickoff 2010 with one pretty bad news (pray hard that it's getting better, i hope.) and departure of grandma dearest. her sudden departure left us helpless as we didnt manage to give a proper farewell to her. till now i still cant believe that she is gone. it's really not the same anymore and i still miss you all the time. yes things happen and often not within our control. treasure your loves one before it's too late. live each day like your last.

thinking back about what i did in 2010, i guess wearing that mortar board is my biggest achievement for 2010. making my dream into reality. (: contemplating if i should continue my education now but i dont want to go through the torturous days of rushing for assignments and preparing for exam. decisions decisions..

and i got onto the tv screen for the very first time!!! 2 different variety shows and became a 'mini' celebrity among my friends. hahahaha!

and i almost got into a mini mental breakdown! ha! i guess the preparation for anniversary was stressing me out that i feel like crying when it ended. tears of joy yes.

they are good friends i know through work, got closer to them this year and i'm really thankful to them for all the help rendered during this period, always there cracking jokes to make me laugh and not forgetting all the late nights with me at the office when i'm struggling to finish up my stuffs. thank you guosheng, yensiang, manru, boey & wuihou. <3

and i travelled to a few places this year!

January - phuket
June - bali
August - redang
September - Melb/ Perth
December - Myanmar

spent quite a bit on travelling. visited 3 different beaches this year, yes that's how much i heart beach holiday. maldives one day i will be there, wait for me.

so what's my travel plan for next year? i need more $$ please.

i think that briefly sum up my 2010, with nothing achieved but just endless heartaches. so what's next for 2011?

i have a few plans in mind for 2011 but im not sure when i should do it or should i even think about it? if only i can be more daring and brave.... we shall see..

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