Saturday, October 08, 2011

bowling at safra

Saturday morning was spent at bowling ally with my residents and volunteers from PSA POU club.

No, I didn't play at all but I had lots of fun too. All my time was spent looking at their happy faces when they managed to throw the heavy ball. All their different patterns when they bowled.. Hehe. It was quite an experience for most of them.

It doesn't matter if they didn't manage to hit any pins. What matter most, giving them the chance to try and prove to others that they can too. To always look at their abilities and not disabilities. That they too have the right to be included as part of the community too.

And of course the companies and warm encouragements given by the volunteers play a part too. My residents had lots of fun and they were laughing/ smiling non stop throughout the whole session.

Thank you for showing love to our residents.

Bowling can be really fun too even if you are not playing. Step out of your comfort zone and make a differences in someone's life today.

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