Thursday, February 17, 2011

10 years and counting

they are people that i know for years.
going through thick and thin together,
laughing together at our silly antics,
always thinking of ways to scare the shit out of one another,
sharing lots of darkest and 'dirties' secrets,
sleeping together,
and the list can go on and on....

somehow i always ended up doing lots of silly stunts and behave like a kid when i'm out with them because i know they will never judge me. (:

thank you for everything that you had done for me,
bringing endless joy and laughter into my life.
listening to me when i need to talk to someone,
showing concern for me when you sense that i'm not being my usual self.

and i really enjoy every moment with all of you.

you girls are indeed the best friends/ gifts one can ever have. (:

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