Tuesday, April 26, 2011

random thoughts

month end soon and i'm very proud of myself for this month!!!
mainly because no extra clothes, shoes, bags were bought!! wheeeee
shall TRY to maintain this record for may too..

shall chant this everyday... "i have lots of unworn shoes, clothes and bags. i dont need anymore new stuffs! i have lots of unworn shoes, clothes and bags. i dont need anymore new stuffs! i have lots of unworn shoes, clothes and bags. i dont need anymore new..........."

but i spent lots on masks and face product!
blame it on people who are constantly telling me that i aged ALOT within these two years... :(:(

1 comment:

Steph N said...

I am also trying to reduce my expenditure on clothes and accessories. I find two things have helped: buying very few of an item but it has to be something I really like and will always look forward to using (e.g. just one pair of expensive sunglasses) and experimenting/mixing and matching outfits and clothes. :P