Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
UNCLE shane's birthday celebration at FAPLCCC on 20080825
and everyone started to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHANE!! *clap clap clap*then you blow the candles!!! YAY!!
then you cut the cake!!
and after...
AHHhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh! crazy..
p.s- spotted something eerie and disgusting looking........
muahhahah anyway..
soo old already. grow up hor dont be childish anymore! muahahaha :P
Monday, August 25, 2008
always in my heart
it been a week since you are gone.
how are you coping over there?
is everything okay?
do you like your new house? wait for me to visit you yeah :P
im pretty sure you are enjoying right now as you no longer have to fight/ suffer from the illness that took you away from us.
that day mao said "ah girl 只有三姨会疼她!" makes me miss you so sooo soo much. thank you for doting on me and bringing me up.
i cant stop crying. do you know how much i miss you?
中秋节快到了。 每年我都要烦恼买什么月饼去孝敬您,每一次去到你家你都会说“哎哟不要浪费钱!不要买啦!”哈哈
with love,
ah girl :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Fujitsu SABU-Metlife Team Bonding
venue: Austin Hill Golf Resort
date: 16 - 17th August 2008
SUPER DUPER FUN! MUAHAHAHAHA love the people there !! :)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
one example.. recently someone close to me was given a chance to return home after staying in the hospice. anyway while we were trying to help her change into her own clothes, this nurse came and offered to help out. she tried to close the door (machiam tearing the whole door down! imagine her strength. wtf?) and 'accidently' spoilted the breathing machiam that she was on. and the whole house blackout! so we need to pay extra $10 in order for some fellow to come and replace the machine. HELLO! $10 for something that is not even caused by us? crap. its not about the money! but it is about who is responsible for what happened. and she doesnt seems remorseful for causing this incident (might even endanger the patient's life) and still have the cheek to INFORM us about the extra charges. angry! we havent even question her about how this incident happened!
so many things to worry about when you are sick. and if you recover you start to worry about how are you going to pay all the bills etc... i really wonder why do we have to suffer all this shit?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
happy birthday my bestie :)
Friday, August 08, 2008
congratulations to Mr & Mrs Ong
congratulations and thank you for inviting me to witness something that magnificent.
all the best for your future together. and i am looking forward to attending your wedding so dont keep me waiting for too long yeah?